Best of Next Wave Leadership – Graham Barkus, the Managing Director of The Human Factor, On: The Relationship Between Stress and Innovation, Clearing the Path, and Taking a Different Approach to Healthcare

In this episode of the Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack talks to Graham Barkus, Founder and Managing Director of The Human Factor, about how improving your employees’ well-being will increase company performance. They detail the relationship between stress and innovation, reconsidering the definition of “healthy” and why we need proximity. They also discuss Graham’s interesting career and what led him to become a leadership expert.
Marco Aurelio, Former Senior Practice Leader at Amazon Web Services and Current Executive Advisor at SandboxAQ, On: Invoking Other People’s Power, the Case for Inquiry Instead of Command, and Leading Against the Grain

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack has an insightful conversation with Marco Aurelio, Executive Advisor at SandboxAQ, to talk about the finer details of leadership and building great cultures. They discuss the difficulties and opportunities of working within larger businesses, nurturing relationships with employees, and bringing your authentic self to work. The two also touch on the power of inquiry over command and how to lead against the grain.
Edward Woodford, Co-Founder and CEO of Zero Hash, On: Opening Your Mind to What You Don’t Know, Acting as a Leader While Being Skeptical of Power, and Writing the Obituary for Your Own Company

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack interviews Edward Woodford, the CEO and Co-founder of Zero Hash, to discuss leadership and using influence over power. The two go through Edward’s background at MIT, thriving in controversial spaces, and giving ownership to your employees. They also touch on the keys to successfully leading in a remote setting. Stay tuned for more!
Michael Landers, Founder of Culture Crossing, On: Reconnecting With Your Inner Purpose, Being In Integrity With Oneself, and Why America Doesn’t Produce Gurus

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack invites Michael Landers, the Founder and President of Culture Crossing Inc., to talk about purpose and advice for today’s leaders. They talk about Michael’s retreat, the lessons he learned from it, and how he helps others find their inward and outward purposes. They also touch on the human condition in the workplace, different books for different times, and why the United States doesn’t create gurus.
Dr. Heidi K. Gardner, Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School and Co-founder of Gardner & Co., On: The Illusion of Inclusion, How Performance Management Kills Collaboration, and Where the Next Frontiers of Smarter Collaboration Are Headed

Dov Pollack speaks with Dr. Heidi K. Gardner, Distinguished Fellow at Harvard Law School and Co-founder of Gardner & Co., on how to improve collaboration throughout your organization. They touch on the common weaknesses of most businesses, how diversity plays a valuable role in collaboration, and how to foster a productive company ecosystem. Hear all this and more on this informative episode of Next Wave Leadership.
Robyn Bolton, Founder and Chief Navigator at MileZero, On: The Myth of the Lone Genius, Why Innovation Is a Leadership Problem, and How To Embrace Uncertainty

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Robyn Bolton, the Founder and Chief Navigator at MileZero, returns to talk with Dov Pollack to break down innovation within the company structure and how it’s a team sport. They touch on key leadership concepts and how they affect innovation, creating a culture that’s conducive to fresh ideas, and why it’s important to give accurate feedback early on in the process. Robyn also discusses essential questions that can create a positive impact throughout your company.
Amanda Setili, President of Setili & Associates and Author of The Agility Advantage, On: Why Resistance To Change Can Be a Good Place To Start, Tackling Any Problem Without Fear, and How Leadership Is About Caring Above All Else

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack hosts an informative interview with Amanda Setili, the President of Setili & Associates, LLC, to talk about consulting, leadership, and overcoming resistance. They break down her views on caring and how it applies to leadership, signs of good and bad leaders, and maintaining clarity on all levels of an organization. The two also discuss how work can lead to learning and why grand plans aren’t always practical.
Mark Levy, Business Strategist and Differentiation Expert, On: Finding Your Signature Idea and Setting Yourself Apart in a Homogenous World by Being Real, Honest, and Compelling

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack has an informative interview with Mark Levy on the topic of differentiation. They discuss his approach to coaching, how to stand out from the competition, and how to capture your own big sexy idea. They also go through the importance of honesty and how Mark’s background in magic influences his work with his clients.
Kate Terry, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer at Surround Insurance, On: Being an Insuretech Entrepreneur, an Amiable Disruptor, and What It Takes To Build a Healthy Co-Founder Partnership

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack interviews Kate Terry, the Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer of Surround Insurance, to discuss her career and her insights as a leader. They break down the insurance industry and what needs were failing to be met for consumers. They also go through the partnership with her Co-founder, working within conservative companies, and why blame is so damaging within organizations.
Rachel Cossar, CEO/Co-Founder at Virtual Sapiens, On: The Choreography of Business, Inhabiting a Milestone Mindset, and What You May Be Communicating Before You Even Speak

In this episode of Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack invites Rachel Cossar, the CEO and Co-founder of Virtual Sapiens, to talk about her journey and how she successfully started her business. They talk about her background in gymnastics and ballet, how she developed her talent for communication, and how she found a new business niche. Additionally, they touch on the work Virtual Sapiens is doing and how they operate as a sidekick for other companies.