
Sandra Sokoloff, the SR. Director of Global Public Relations and Corporate Communications at Alvarez & Marsal: On The Art of Listening to What Is Not Being Said, Lessons Learned From Fashion Houses, and How There’s Always a Story Behind Everything

Sandra SokoloffSandra Sokoloff is an expert in communications and the Senior Director of Global Public Relations at Alvarez & Marsal (A&M). A&M is renowned for their work in performance and turnaround management for notable businesses. Specifically, she works hands-on with executives to further their goals and improve their place in the marketplace.

Sandra previously worked for the public relations firm Porter Novelli, leading their media relations team and working with businesses across multiple industries. She received her bachelor’s degree in history and economics from Rutgers University.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Sandra Sokoloff’s role at Alvarez & Marsal and how she helps build businesses
  • The power of storytelling in the business world
  • How can PR do more than put out fires?
  • Adapting your communication to your audience
  • Lessons that Sandra learned from covering fashion houses
  • How to support leadership from the outside

In this episode…

Communication and presentation are crucial in leadership. The ability to convey a message and craft a story separates the great leaders from the rest—but it’s not always that easy. Sometimes, being too close to the company itself can make the overall messaging harder to shape. So, what do you do?

Someone from the outside can lend your strategy an informed, fresh perspective. Sandra Sokoloff is an experienced consultant who has helped firms and executives discover their message. She leads and develops campaigns utilizing social media, research, and design functions. If anyone knows how to advance a business through communication, it’s Sandra. How can you do the same?

Dov Pollack takes the time to interview Sandra Sokoloff, Senior Director of Global Public Relations at Alvarez & Marsal, to hear her thoughts on communication and PR in leadership. She talks about her background in fashion and history and how that influences her work today. They then dive into the different facets of PR, strategies for tailoring your communication depending on your audience, and the power of stories in business. Find out more by tuning in to this episode of the Next Wave Leadership Podcast!

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Founded by Dov Pollack, Next Wave Leadership is an executive coaching firm focused on helping CEOs, executives, and emerging leaders to deepen their executive presence, differentiate their voice, and embrace the plot and promise of their story.

To know more about what we can do to help you grow as a leader, visit our website at NextWaveLeadership.com or send us an email at [email protected].

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