
Graham Barkus the Managing Director of the The Human Factor on: The relationship between stress and innovation, Clearing the Path and Taking a Different Approach to Healthcare

Graham Barkus

Graham Barkus is the Founder and the Managing Director of The Human Factor, a management consulting firm designed to help people and businesses through major changes. The Human Factor helps clients address transformation, improve their relationships, and enhance their performance. Graham founded the company in 2002 and has been a major leader in the community ever since.

In addition to his business, Graham is a Non-Executive Director of Peak Pacific Group and a Partner at Transformation Worldwide. Before founding his company, he worked with Cathay Pacific Airways as their Head of Organization Development and Change for almost nine years.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • Graham Barkus talks about his journey from medical worker to leadership guru
  • How Graham leveraged his humanities degree in the business world
  • The relationship between stress and innovation
  • What is the difference between promoting health versus preventing disease?
  • Promoting health in our organizations and why we need to reconsider our approach
  • How different aspects of a company impact employee well-being
  • Addressing the major human factors in business performance
  • Graham explains the importance of proximity and connections with other people

In this episode…

What does well-being in the workplace look like? From generation to generation, job to job, the response looks different.

But, the latest trend has the answer looking more holistic. Being healthy isn’t just about physical performance, but also your mind, emotions, and social relationships. Many companies fall short of this standard and still wonder why their employees’ performance is not up to par. To get the most out of your talent, you need to ensure your team’s complete success and well-being. In his own line of work, Graham Barkus has noticed what works — and he’s made it his mission to help companies reach the next level through the human touch.

In this episode of the Next Wave Leadership, Dov Pollack talks to Graham Barkus, the Founder and Managing Director of The Human Factor, about improving your employees’ well-being and increasing company performance. They go into detail on the relationship between stress and innovation, reconsidering the definition of “healthy,” and why we need proximity. They also talk about Graham’s own interesting career and what led him to become a leadership expert.

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Founded by Dov Pollack, Next Wave Leadership is an executive coaching firm focused on helping CEOs, executives, and emerging leaders to deepen their executive presence, differentiate their voice, and embrace the plot and promise of their story.

To know more about what we can do to help you grow as a leader, visit our website at NextWaveLeadership.com or send us an email at [email protected].

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