
Kim Alexis Newton, Former SVP of Consumer Experience for the Hallmark Brand and Founder of Alexis Enterprises, On: Moving From Success to Significance, Resisting the Familiar, and the Power of the Intentional Pause

Kim Alexis Newton

Kim Alexis Newton is an entrepreneur, executive, and artist that defies simple categorization. She is a respected leader with a track record in consumer marketing, currently sitting on the Board of Directors for Big Lots and helming leadership programs for Netflix. One of her major roles was at Hallmark, spending almost two decades with the brand and working up to their Senior Vice President of Customer Experience.

Kim has brought together most of her passions in Alexis Enterprises, which features her art, quilts, and women’s resources. She is an advocate for women’s empowerment, being an in-demand speaker through her Intentional Pause Project.

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Here’s a glimpse of what you’ll learn:

  • What drew Kim Alexis Newton to marketing and leadership
  • The difference between how most organizations work versus how they should be working
  • Finding fulfillment by disrupting yourself
  • How the ideas of left and right brain can work together
  • The inspiration behind The Intentional Pause Project for women
  • Five steps to actualize your dreams and see progress
  • Why you need a strong inflection point to catalyze your vision
  • Trusting in the journey and taking your time in your career

In this episode…

We all know about corporate culture’s constant pressure to succeed and keep working harder. It’s become a defining characteristic in the United States and much of the western world. Success is often measured by what’s next and how much has already been accomplished. Even for experienced leaders, this feedback loop can be draining and unfulfilling. So what comes next?

Kim Alexis Newton has found success firsthand, having risen through the ranks at Hallmark to leave a lasting legacy. While she enjoyed her time there, she knew she wanted more. As she’s found her passion and her dreams, she’s dedicated herself to helping others do the same. Her process of pausing and refocusing has worked for her, and now, it might do the same for you.

Dov Pollack invites Kim Alexis Newton on to the Next Wave Leadership podcast to discuss her career, her ideas on achieving your dreams, and balancing your left and right brain. She starts with the fundamental needs in most companies and how they can make small adjustments to preserve their culture. They also talk about the need for fulfillment and the steps you can take to turn your dreams into reality.

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Founded by Dov Pollack, Next Wave Leadership is an executive coaching firm focused on helping CEOs, executives, and emerging leaders to deepen their executive presence, differentiate their voice, and embrace the plot and promise of their story.

To know more about what we can do to help you grow as a leader, visit our website at NextWaveLeadership.com or send us an email at [email protected].

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